Vertical Wall Mounted Eccentric Flywheel Pulley Trainer
Vertical Wall Mounted Eccentric Flywheel Pulley Trainer
Unlimited & variable resistance and capacity for eccentric training, into a setup that comfortably accommodates movements & exercises in a horizontal & lateral direction.
Versatile multi-purpose training device, for exercises training both upper body, core and lower body.
Optimized for over 30 different horizontal exercises, including 10 of the most important drills for strength training. Learn more about some of the best flywheel training exercises you can do with the Pulley.
You can now vary your rowing exercises thanks to the horizontal option. Sit, stand, lay or what else you prefer, your flywheel range of rowing exercises is now complete.
Can be performed as a cable hip adduction, single leg kick or regular kickback. This exercise is a must-do if you are looking to build a foundation for your gluteus maximus, hamstrings and lower back.
Thanks to its horizontal position, isolated shoulder exercises including external and internal rotations are now more convenient for rehabilitation purposes or overall accessory strength exercises.